Trainer: | Ioana Jongsma |
Data: | 15 - 29 aprilie 2025 |
Ora: | 10:00 - 14:00 |
Locație: | Zoom |
Preț: | 515€ + TVA / persoana |
Telefon: 0724238492
15, 22 și 29 aprilie 2024 în intervalul 10.00-14.00
Programul este desfășurat în 3 sesiuni, ce se focusează pe 3 piloni importanți ai comunicării:
1. ÎNCREDERE – 4 ore
2. CLARITATE – 4 ore
3. CONECTARE – 4 ore
În cele 12 ore ale trainingului veți afla:
- ce este stresul și cum îl putem gestiona
- cum ne ajută și care sunt elementele cheie ale vorbitului în public
- importanța și impactul poveștirilor personale
- cum proiectam încredere ajutându-ne de limbajul corpului
- cum descoperim cărui public ne adresăm
- cum ne adaptăm mesajul în funcție de publicul care ne ascultă
- cum aplicăm modelele narative pentru a ne putea structura mesajul
- care idei ne servesc și care idei nu ne servesc în aplicarea firului narativ
- cum să proiectam exact emoțiile pe care dorim să le transmitem și sa nu le lasăm la voia întâmplării
- vom practica diferite tipuri de discurs: discurs care entuziasmează, discurs care emană siguranță, discurs care trezește curiozitatea, discurs care surprinde,etc.
La toate acestea se adaugă sesiuni de feedback, în care apelam la ajutorul Inteligenței Artificiale folosind Yoodli.
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După crearea contului veți putea să vă înregistrati discursul și imediat se va incărca analiza lui: cuvinte nepotrivite, pauze, fluctuații ale vocii, limbajul corpului, etc (doar pentru discursuri îregistrate în limba engleză).
Pentru a primi ajutor și îndrumare, aveți la îndemână butonul de share, ca ajutorul caruia va conectati cu Ioana care va analiza discursul și va lăsa feedback pe discursul pregătit.
Aici găsiți un exmplu de discurs analizat de Yoodli.
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Paul is a passionate speaker and trainer. He really connects with people and his trainings are very engaging, which leaves you in the end with a sense of satisfaction that you not only learned something [mai mult]
Pasionate, dedicated, highly personable, modest, always prepared, with enough energy to power not just a mear training room, but an entire city, Paul is by far the most gifted trainer the market has seen. Given [mai mult]
Together with National Sales Managers and Regional Sales Manager across Coca Cola Hellenic Romania I had the privilege to attend Paul’s PCM training. We were 18 people counting in average more than [mai mult]
This course was a revelation, transforming our approach to communication in a way that has yielded tangible benefits in both team cohesion and client relations. Paul's course was an eye-opener, offering [mai mult]
Saying that Paul is one of the best trainers I know, would be an understatement. Paul is a full-fledged professional, with enough knowledge about the human mind and its workings in order to mold it [mai mult]
I am among the lucky people who have had the chance to meet Paul. The way I met him made me aware that the important questions that I ask myself have nothing to do with age, personal or professional [mai mult]
I have worked with Paul for various client groups: top&mid-management, as well as specialists, and the feedback has always been outstanding. Paul has a wealth of knowledge, a profound way of diving [mai mult]
Paul Olteanu has the surprising capacity and openness to see and understand where the blockages in communication are, to find solutions and to change people in the business environment. He helps both you [mai mult]
Paul has delivered one of the most usefully training programs that Garmin's Cluj management team has ever been part of. He really helped us to understand the management teams issues, to re-define the [mai mult]
Saying that Paul is one of the best trainers I know, would be an understatement. Paul is a full-fledged professional, with enough knowledge about the human mind and its workings in order to mold it into [mai mult]
Paul is an enthusiastic professional with great passion for people and for assisting them with his expertise. I interacted with Paul during the PCM training and I was extremely pleased with the way he [mai mult]
I have worked with Paul for various client groups: top&mid-management, as well as specialists, and the feedback has always been outstanding. Paul has a wealth of knowledge, a profound way of diving [mai mult]
The Process Communication Model - or PCM for short - is a program that allows you to individualize communication. What makes it so powerful is that it’s based on skills, not rules. Interactive and useful [mai mult]