Nu contează cât de bun eşti, ci cât de bun vrei să fii

16 mart. 2011 | Paul Olteanu

Astăzi, Mircea Staiculescu mi-a împrumutat cartea „It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be.” de Paul Arden. Trebuie să recunoscă, că dincolo de recomandarea lui Mircea, titlul cărţii m-a captivat de la prima citire.

Cred foarte tare în faptul că oamenii ar trebui să încerce necontenit să fie din ce în ce mai buni în ceea ce fac şi în cum sunt unii cu ceilalţi. Cred că mulţumirea de sine e drumul sigur către plafonare.

Vă recomand cu drag toată cartea (celor preocupaţi de advertising şi business) şi vreau să vă reproduc mai jos fragmentul care mi-a plăcut cel mai mult. Titlul este „Have you noticed how the cleverest people at school are not those who make it in life?„:

„WHAT you learn at  school are facts, known facts.

Your job at school is to accumulate and remember facts. The more you can remember, the better you do.

Those who fail at school are not interested in facts; or maybe the facts are not put to them in a way they find interesting.

Some people simply don’t have a great faculty for memory.

It doesn’t mean they are stupid. It means their imagination hasn’t been fired up by academic tuition.

People who are conventionally clever get jobs on their qualifications (the past), not their desire to succeed (the future).

Very simply, they get overtaken by those who continually strive to be better than they are.

As long as the goal is there, there is no limit to anyone’s achievement.”

Vouă cum vi se pare ideea lui Arden?